
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 59

Here's the thing I love about rejections, they give you a chance to step back and make improvements on your work. I've had some great beta readers, but I passed my book on to one more person who caught something that NONE of my pre-readers had seen. AND he caught it right before I submitted my manuscript to an agency who requests a full up front (which i think is just super, by the way. i hate query letters. period).

It wasn't something that would make or break my book, but it was something that I think this particular agent would have noticed, which I suppose could make or break my book. His super catch gave me a chance to look a little closer at two more things that were bugging me a bit. Now I feel much better about submitting my manuscript and I'm patting myself on the back a little bit for being so patient.

In the meantime, I've been getting more great tips through blogs and chatting with agents and other writers on twitter. I've added agent Jennifer Laughran's blog to the sidebar because she's got some great pointers and a hilarious review of book that remains me of this -->
which I couldn't quite finish.

I received another rejection this week and it didn't even bother me because its all part of the process. I know I will find someone who is totally into my concept and loves the way I write and is tickled by the ideas I've put down.

 The waiting sucks, but its helping in more ways than one.

Also Katy Perry is haunting my days and nights. I'm pretty much in love with this song right now.

1 comment:

  1. the cover art to that
    also, what did this guy catch? i wanna know
